River behavior

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Развитие реки в различных условиях формирования [1]

Развитие реки

Составляющая водного режима реки, определяющая распределение и изменение величины расхода воды по сезонам года, колебания уровня, образование ледяного покрова и вскрытие рек [2]

Определение на английском

River behavior is defined as adjustments to river morphology induced by a range of erosional and depositional mechanisms by which water moulds, reworks, and reshapes fluvial landforms, producing characteristic assemblages of landforms at the reach scale [3]

River behaviour is often conceptualised as the outcome of feedbacks between channel flow, morphology, and sediment transport[4].

Пример использования термина на английском языке

Using examples mainly from South America, and based on stream behaviors common in megafans, seven models that appear to have implications for the distribution of aquatic organisms are presented [5].

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the control exerted by dolerite on alluvial river behaviour by comparing three rivers on the South African Highveld, a physiographic region broadly corresponding to the part of the interior plateau lying above �1200 m elevation and bounded in the north by the Witwatersrand, on the south and east by the Great Escarpment, and in the northwest and west by gradual transition into the Kalahari and Karoo deserts[6].

Перевод использования на русском языке

На примерах, в основном по Южной Америке, и на основе процесса развития водотоков, представлены семь моделей, описывающих распространение водных организмов.

Список литературы

  1. M. Justin Wilkinson, Larry G. Marshall, John G. Lundberg, River behavior on megafans and potential influences on diversification and distribution of aquatic organisms / Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2006, 151-172, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2005.08.002.
  2. Гидрология: учебное пособие по курсу "Науки о Земле" для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 28020265 "Инженерная защита окружающей среды" / сост. В. А. Михеев. - Ульяновск: УлГТУ, 2010. - 200 с.
  3. River Character. (n.d.). Geomorphology and River Management, 79–142. doi:10.1002/9780470751367.ch5
  4. David, L. A. Gravel-bed river behaviour: modelling and analysis of process feedbacks over spatio-temporal scales : специальность  «Geography» : диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата географических наук / David Lawson Adams ; THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. — Vancouver, 2022. — 215 c. — Текст : непосредственный.
  5. M. Justin Wilkinson, Larry G. Marshall, John G. Lundberg, River behavior on megafans and potential influences on diversification and distribution of aquatic organisms / Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2006, 151-172, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2005.08.002.
  6. Geological controls on alluvial river behaviour: a comparative study of three rivers on the South African Highveld / S. Tooth, D. Brandt, P. J. Hancox, T. S. McCarthy. — Текст : непосредственный // Journal of African Earth Sciences. — 2004. — № 38. — pp. 79–97.