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Версия от 02:07, 10 февраля 2021; Admin (обсуждение | вклад)
Русско-английский толковый словарь гидрологических, метеорологических и геоморфологических терминов.
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Список слов
- ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)
- Abrasion
- Accumulation
- Accumulation (of snow and ice)
- Acid rain
- Active layer
- Adjustment of rivers
- Adsorption of water
- Advection
- Aesthetic pollution
- Aggradation
- Albedo
- Alkalinity
- Alluvial deposit
- Anabranch
- Anabranching channel
- Anastomosing channel
- Anchor ice
- Anoxia
- Aquitard
- Armouring layer
- Aufeis
- Backscatter
- Backswamp
- Backwater
- Barrage
- Baseflow
- Bassin sans émissaire superficiel
- Bay-head delta
- Bed load trap
- Bed material
- Bed topography
- Bifurcation
- Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
- Black box model
- Border Ice
- Brackish water
- Braided channel
- Braided intensity
- Branch
- Breakup flood
- Capillary forces
- Cartesian coordinate system
- Catchment
- Channel change (Riverbed deformation)
- Channel links
- Channel pattern
- Channel processes - fluvial processes
- Channel roughness
- Chute cutoff
- Climate neutrality
- Climate vulnerability
- Coastal waters
- Cohesive Sediment
- Confluence
- Contaminant hydrology
- Convection
- Coriolis force
- Cross-section
- Cross channel section
- Cryopeg
- Cyanobacterial mats
- Dam
- Data-scarсe basin
- Debris fan
- Debris flow channel
- Deferent
- Degree-day melting factor
- Delta
- Delta progradation
- Density current
- Depth of runoff
- Disaster
- Discharge acting
- Dispersion
- Distributary channel
- Domestic water supply
- Drainage
- Dredging
- Drought
- Dry river
- Ebb tide
- Ecohydraulics
- Effective discharge
- Endorheic (river)
- Ephemeral stream
- Erodibility
- Estuaries
- Eutrophication
- Extreme flow
- Extreme hydrological events
- Fall velocity
- Filling delta
- Fingerprinting
- Flash flood
- Flood Frequency
- Flood control
- Flood damage
- Flood frequency analysis
- Flood hazard
- Flood marks
- Flooding
- Floodplain
- Flow duration curve
- Flow regime
- Fluvial and hillslope processess
- Frazil
- Freezing front
- Freshet
- Gauging station
- Geomorphic units
- Gorge
- Grau
- Gravel-bed river
- Groundwater
- Hydraulic Conductivity
- Hydraulic radius
- Hydraulic residence time
- Hydroclimatic extreme events
- Hydrodynamic transport
- Hydrograph
- Hydrograph limb
- Hydrograph separation
- Hydrological cycle
- Hydrological hazard
- Hydrological modelling
- Hydrometric Networks
- Hydrometric Station Networks
- Hydropeaking
- Hypolimnion
- Ice Jam
- Ice drift
- Impoundment
- Incision
- Indices of braided intensity
- Inorganic sediment
- Interflow
- Intermittent stream
- Interstitial Water
- Inundation
- Jökulhlaup
- Lake stratification
- Lentic ecosystem
- Levee
- Low water
- Lumped hydrological model
- MPN (most probable number)
- Meander cut-off
- Meanders de valléel
- Meltwater runoff
- Meromictic lake
- Mountain river
- Mudflow
- Natural flow
- Navigation
- Net radiation
- Non-perennial stream
- Number of bars
- Number of links
- Nutrient
- Oil Spill
- Organic Sediment
- Oxygen sag curve
- Particle-size distribution
- Particle buoyancy
- Partitioning
- Peak flow
- Peat
- Percée
- Perennial stream
- Permafrost
- Permafrost table
- Physically based distributed model
- Plunge point
- Point bar
- Pollutant
- Pond
- Pool
- Pore ice
- Potable water
- Propeller
- Propeller (гидрометрическая вертушка)
- Protruding delta
- Rain gauge
- Rain shadow effect
- Rainfall distribution
- Rapids
- Reservoir operating curve
- Reservoir operation rule
- Reservoir residence time
- Reservoir sedimentation
- Reservoir trapping
- Resident fish
- Riffle
- River bed deformation
- River behavior
- River flow alteration
- River plume
- River restoration
- River slope
- Riverbed deformation
- Rossby wave
- Roughness coefficient
- Runoff
- Runoff components
- Runoff formation
- Salinity
- Salt water intrusion
- Saltation
- Saturated zone
- Sea ice thickness
- Sea level
- Sea outfalls
- Sediment cascade
- Sediment core
- Sediment fluxes
- Sediment laden water
- Sediment processes
- Sediment production
- Sediment quality
- Sediment yield
- Settling velocity
- Sewage
- Sewage treatment
- Sewer
- Shellfish beds
- Shoal
- Siltation
- Sinuosity
- Smart water
- Snowmelt routine
- Soil erosion
- Soil profile
- Soil water content
- Sonar
- Sources
- Specific suspended sediment yield (SSY)
- Spillway
- Spit
- Split channel
- Sream pool
- Steady flow
- Stirring-sampling method
- Storm runoff
- Stream (transport) capacity
- Stream capacity
- Stream order
- Stream pool
- Stream velocity profile
- Stream velocity vertical
- Streamflow
- Streamflow data
- Streamflow trend
- Submergence
- Surface water contamination
- Surge
- Suspended particulate matter (SPM)
- Talweg
- Total suspended solid (TSS)
- Trace metal
- Trapping efficiency
- Turbidity
- Turbine flowmeter
- Ultimate sink
- Ungauged catchments
- Unit hydrogrpah
- Unsaturated zone
- Unsteady flow
- Upwelling
- Vadose zone
- Valley confinement
- Velocity profile
- Wandering channel
- Washload
- Wastewater
- Water-level staff gauge
- Water balance
- Water intake
- Water quality
- Water sampler
- Water storage capacity
- Water table
- Water transfer
- Water transparency
- Water treatment
- Watershed
- Wetland
- Wetted perimeter
- Wilting point
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